Superfluidity—frictionless flow—has been observed in various physical systems such as liquid helium, cold atoms, and exciton polaritons. Superfluidity is usually realized by cooling and suppressing all dissipation. Here we challenge this paradigm by demonstrating signatures of superfluidity, enabled by dissipation, in the flow of light within a room-temperature oil-filled cavity. Dissipation in the oil mediates effective photon-photon interactions which are noninstantaneous and nonlocal. Such interactions were expected to severely limit the emergence of superfluidity in conservative photonic systems. Surprisingly, when launching a photon fluid with sufficiently high density and low velocity against an obstacle in our driven-dissipative cavity, we observe a record suppression of backscattering. Our experiments also reveal the reorganization dynamics of photons into a nonscattering steady state and a qualitatively changing behavior of the optical phase as light propagates around the obstacle. The phase is locked between the laser and the obstacle but evolves with the intensity in the wake of the obstacle where the density of the photon fluid and its mean-field interaction energy decrease. Using a generalized Gross–Pitaevskii equation for photons coupled to a thermal field, we model our experiments and elucidate how the noninstantaneous and nonlocal character of interactions influences the suppression of scattering associated with superfluidity. Beyond providing the first signatures of cavity photon superfluidity, and of any superfluid both at room temperature and in steady state, our results pave the way for probing photon hydrodynamics in arbitrary potential landscapes using structured mirrors.