Thin polycrystalline B-doped diamond films on Si, prepared by microwave plasma chemical vapour deposition, were diagnosed by means of secondary electron emission measurements. Investigations, including caesium deposition, were carried out on a hydrogen and an oxygen-terminated sample cut from the same wafer. Caesiation resulted in a mean secondary electron emission factor <d > at a primary electron energy Ep= 1800 eV equal to 76 and 63 on the H- and O-terminated sample, respectively. Due to electron stimulated desorption, the secondary emission decreased to <d>»45 on both samples under irradiation to a level of ~1 C/cm2. On the caesiated samples the reduction of d* with electron dose was not local, but occurred over the whole surface because of the diffusion of Cs to the irradiated spot.

Diamond Relat. Mater.

Hopman, H. J., Verhoeven, J., & Bachmann, P. K. (2000). Electron stimulated desorption from oxygenated and hydrogenated synthetic diamond films. Diamond Relat. Mater., 9, 1238–1244.