We present a detailed study on the properties of single photons generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) when both the spectral and spatial degrees of freedom are controlled by means of filters. Our results show that it is possible to obtain pure heralded single photons with high heralding efficiency despite the use of filters. Moreover, we report an asymmetry on the single-photon properties exhibited in type-II SPDC sources that depends on choosing the signal or the idler photon as the heralding one.

Phys. Rev. A
Resonant Nanophotonics

Flórez, J., Calderón, O., Valencia, A., & Osorio, C. (2015). Correlation control for pure and efficiently generated heralded single photons. Phys. Rev. A, 91(01, Article number: 13819), 1–7. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.91.013819