Publications from 2022
Spectroscopic analysis of the oxygenation state of hemoglobin using coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering Article
J. Biomed. Opt., 11(Article number: 50502), 1-3.January 2006 -
D.C. Rapaport, The art of molecular dynamics simulation, second ed., Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521825687, 549 pages, hardback: Book review Article
Mathem. Biosci., 150-153.January 2006 -
Surface molecular view of colloidal gelation Article
PNAS, 13310-13314.January 2006 -
A database application for pre-processing, storage and comparison of mass spectra derived from patients and controls Article
Bioinformatics, 7(Article number: 403), 1-16.January 2006 -
Suppression of skin-core structure in injection-molded polymer parts by in situ incorporation of a microfibrillar network Article
Macromolecules, 6771-6775.January 2006 -
Dynamic heterogeneity in hydrogen-bonded polymers Article
Phys. Rev. E, 74(Article number: 31804), 1-7.January 2006 -
Angularly resolved electron wave packet interferences Article
J. Phys. B, 3983-3991.January 2006 -
Size-dependent ion-beam-induced anisotropic plastic deformation at the nanoscale by nonhydrostatic capillary stresses Article
Phys. Rev. B, 74(Article number: 132103), 1-4.January 2006 -
De nieuwe fysica van attosecond lasers Article
NTvN, 326-329.January 2006 -
Simultaneous position and state measurement of Rydberg atoms Article
Eur. Phys. J. D, 13-17.January 2006 -
Colloidal encounters: a matter of attraction Article
Science, 768-769.January 2006 -
Exciton polaritons confined in a ZnO nanowire cavity Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 97(Article number: 147401), 1-4.January 2006 -
Strong modification of the nonlinear optical response of metallic subwavelength hole arrays Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 97(Article number: 146102), 1-4.January 2006 -
Exact results for noise power spectra in linear biochemical reaction networks Article
J. Chem. Phys., 125(Article number: 144904), 1-11.January 2006 -
Orientational dynamics of isotopically diluted H2O and D2O Article
J. Chem. Phys., 125(Article number: 144512), 1-9.January 2006 -
Inhomogeneous dynamics in confined water nanodroplets Article
PNAS, 15355-15358.January 2006 -
Isotropic-to-nematic transition in liquid-crystalline heteropolymers: I. Formalism and main-chain liquid-crystalline polymers Article
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 9335-9357.January 2006 -
Isotropic-to-nematic transition in liquid-crystalline heteropolymers: II. Side-chain liquid-crystalline polymers Article
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 9359-9374.January 2006 -
Electron capture dissociation as structural probe for noncovalent gas-phase protein assemblies Article
Anal. Chem., 7191-7196.January 2006 -
Mechanisms of passive ion permeation through lipid bilayers: insights from simulations Article
J. Phys. Chem. B, 21327-21337.January 2006 -
Depth-resolved nanostructure and refractive index of borosilicate glass doped with Ag nanocrystals Article
Opt. Mater., 326-331.January 2006 -
Polarization-selective plasmon-enhanced silicon quantum-dot luminescence Article
Nano Lett., 2622-2625.January 2006 -
High-frequency dielectric relaxation of liquid crystals: THz time-domain spectroscopy of liquid crystal colloids Article
Opt. Express, 14(23), 11433-11441.January 2006 -
Intrinsic intensity fluctuations in random lasers Article
Phys. Rev. A, 74(Article number: 53808), 1-6.January 2006 -
Demonstration of an erbium-doped microdisk laser on a silicon chip Article
Phys. Rev. A, 74(Article number: 51802), 1-4.January 2006 -
Plasmon-enhanced erbium luminescence Article
Appl. Phys. Lett., 89(Article number: 211107), 1-3.January 2006 -
Application of the optimized Baxter model to the hard-core attractive Yukawa system Article
J. Chem. Phys., 125(Article number: 194506), 1-9.January 2006 -
Pump-probe and pump-deplete-probe spectroscopies on carotenoids with N=9-15 conjugated bonds Article
J. Chem. Phys., 125(Article number: 194505), 1-7.January 2006 -
The molecular scanner in microscope mode Article
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 3435-3442.January 2006 -
Resonant diffusive radiation in random multilayered systems Article
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B, 57-61.January 2006 -
Exciton polarizability in semiconductor nanocrystals Article
Nature Mater., 861-864.January 2006 -
Meten aan microbuisjes met moleculaire resolutie Article
NTvN, 388-391.January 2006 -
Switching the dipole moment for 5CB on and off Article
Liq. Cryst., 1359-1371.January 2006 -
Transcriptional regulation by competing transcription factor modules Article
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2(12, Article number: 164), 1-9.January 2006 -
Giant optical birefringence in ensembles of semiconductor nanowires Article
Appl. Phys. Lett., 89(Article number: 233117), 1-3.January 2006 -
Free carrier photogeneration in polythiophene versus poly(phenylene vinylene) studied with THz spectroscopy Article
Chem. Phys. Lett., 441-445.January 2006 -
Focused ion beam milling of nanocavities in single colloidal particles and self-assembled opals Article
Nanotechnology, 5717-5721.January 2006 -
Optically switchable mirrors for surface plasmon polaritons propagating on semiconductor surfaces Article
Phys. Rev. B, 74(Article number: 245324), 1-6.January 2006 -
Diffusion of transcription factors can drastically enhance the noise in gene expression Article
Biophys. J., 4350-4367.January 2006 -
Mass microscopy: imaging biomolecules on surfaces Dissertation
December 2005 -
Towards terahertz microscopy Dissertation
Ultrafast SpectroscopyNovember 2005 -
Charge dynamics in novel semiconductors Dissertation
November 2005 -
Finding the center reliably: robust patterns of developmental gene expression Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 95(20, Article number: 208103), 1-4.November 2005 -
Pushing for power Article
NatureNovember 2005 -
October 2005
Continuum description of the cytoskeleton: ring formation in the cell cortex Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 95(Article number: 258103), 1-4.October 2005 -
Dissociative recombination of atmospheric ions: towards unravelling the physics behind airglows Dissertation
September 2005 -
September 2005
June 2005
Binding medium, pigments and metal soaps characterised and localised in paint cross-sections (MolArt; 11) Dissertation
June 2005 -
Ordering of block copolymers and smectic elastomers Dissertation
June 2005 -
The excimer laser ablation of picture varnishes: an evaluation with reference to light-induced deterioration Dissertation
May 2005 -
May 2005
Sunlight on atmospheric mineral aerosol and water vapor: modeling the link between laboratory data and remote sensing Dissertation
April 2005 -
Interfaces in soft x-ray multilayer mirrors Dissertation
March 2005 -
Controlled spontaneous emission in erbium-dopd microphotonic materials Dissertation
Photonic MaterialsMarch 2005 -
Probing the negative permittivity perfect lens at optical frequencies using near-field optics and single molecule detection Article
Opt. Express, 13(5), 1604-1614.March 2005 -
Dynamics of smectic membranes as studied by x-ray and neutron scattering Dissertation
Theory of Biomolecular MatterFebruary 2005 -
January 2005
January 2005
January 2005
Comparing three PCA-based methods for the 3D visualization of imaging spectroscopy data In Proceedings
January 2005 -
January 2005
A study on the oxidative gradient of aged traditional triterpenoid resins using "optimum" photoablation parameters In Proceedings
January 2005 -
The Lazurite database : an image-based solution for recording and presenting data from painting studies In Proceedings
January 2005 -
January 2005
The whitening of oil paints films containing bone black In Proceedings
January 2005 -
January 2005
January 2005
January 2005
Chemical aspects of the binding media of the Oranjezaal ensemble: an insight into 17th centurey Netherlandish materials and methods In Proceedings
January 2005 -
Characterization and localization of the oil-binding medium in paint cross-sections using imaging secondary ion mass spectrometry In Proceedings
January 2005 -
Changing properties of the asphalt- and oil-derived components in asphalt-oil paints prepared according to 19th-century recipes In Proceedings
January 2005 -
Chemical changes in old master paintings II: darkening due to increased transparency as a result of metal soap formation processes In Proceedings
January 2005 -
January 2005
Improving the surface quality of paint cross-sections for imaging analytical studies with specular reflection FTIR and Static-SIMS In Proceedings
January 2005 -
January 2005
Flow-induced mesophases in crystallizable polymers Book Chapter
January 2005 -
The effect of bonding on the fragmentation of small systems In Proceedings
January 2005 -
January 2005
Ultrafast vibrational dynamics of rotaxanes In Proceedings
January 2005 -
Photosynthesis, physics of Book Chapter
January 2005 -
January 2005
January 2005
Identifying and localizing proteinaceous compounds in paint samples using reflextion infrared spectroscopic techniques In Proceedings
January 2005 -
January 2005
Vibrationally resolved rate coefficients and branding fractions in the dissociative recombination of O+2 Article
J. Chem. Phys., 122(Article number: 14302), 1-11.January 2005 -
Anisotropic plastic deformation by viscous flow in ion tracks Article
Phys. Rev. B, 71(Article number: 24103), 1-12.January 2005 -
Simulation studies of pore and domain formation in a phospholipid monolayer Article
J. Chem. Phys., 122(Article number: 24704), 1-9.January 2005 -
Sampling rare switching events in biochemical networks Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94(Article number: 18104), 1-4.January 2005 -
WWW scattering matrix database for small mineral particles at 441.6 and 632.8nm Article
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 191-206.January 2005 -
Coupling of Er ions to surface plasmons on Ag Article
Appl. Phys. Lett., 86(Article number: 41113), 1-3.January 2005 -
Plasmonics: optics at the nanoscale Article
Mater. Today, 8(1)January 2005 -
Direct molecular imaging of Lymnaea stagnalis nervous tissue at subcellular spatial resolution by mass spectrometry Article
Anal. Chem., 735-741.January 2005 -
Oriented primary crystal nucleation in lamellar diblock copolymer system Article
Faraday Discuss., 253-260.January 2005 -
Theory of sum-frequency generation spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules using the density matrix method - broadband vibrational sum-frequency generation and applications Article
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 201-220.January 2005 -
Force barriers for membrane tube formation Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94(Article number: 68101), 1-4.January 2005 -
Real-Space observation of ultraslow light in photonic crystal waveguides Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94(Article number: 73903), 1-4.January 2005 -
Heterodyne and homodyne detection in fluctuating smectic membranes by photon correlation spectroscopy at X-ray and visible wavelengths Article
Physica B, 39-44.January 2005 -
Subcellular imaging mass sectrometry of brain tissue Article
J. Mass Spectrom., 160-168.January 2005