Publications from 2022
The effect of a chemical equilibrium on thermal diffusion: The system N2O4 Û 2NO2 with Ar Article
Physica, 2201-2204.January 1966 -
Survey of instabilities in a beam-plasma experiment In Proceedings
January 1966 -
January 1966
Study of collision phenomena at copper surfaces In Proceedings
January 1966 -
January 1966
Sputtering of F.C.C. single crystals as a function of the angle of incidence of 20 keV Ar+ ions In Proceedings
January 1966 -
Ionization and electron capture for helium ions incident on noble and diatomic gases between 10 and 150 KeV Article
Physica, 1793-1807.January 1966 -
Ionization and electron capture cross sections for protons incident on noble and diatomic gases between 10 and 140 keV Article
Physica, 1766-1792.January 1966 -
Experimental studies of excitation in collisions between atomic and ionic systems Article
Adv. At. Mol. Phys., 327-384.January 1966 -
Separation of lithium isotopes by countercurrent-exchange-electrolysis Article
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 658-664.January 1966 -
A cycloidal mass spectrometer with 100% collection efficiency Article
J. Sci. Instrum., 638-640.January 1966 -
Luminescence caused by proton impact with special reference to the lunar surface Article
Nature, 470-471.January 1966 -
Thermal diffusion and the Senftleben effect Article
Physica, 1429-1436.January 1966 -
Partial ionization cross sections of He, Ne, H2 and CH4 for electrons from 20 to 500 eV Article
J. Chem. Phys., 4640-4642.January 1966 -
January 1966
Isotopic exchange of excited oxygen atoms with carbon monoxide Article
J. Phys. Chem., 1767-1776.January 1966 -
Gross-and partial-ionization cross sections for electrons on water vapor in the energy range 0.1-20 keV Article
J. Chem. Phys., 3924-3928.January 1966 -
Transition probabilities for electron capture Article
Physica, 1164-1169.January 1966 -
Amplification factors of a particle multiplier for multiply charged noble gas ions Article
Physica, 749-761.January 1966 -
Thermochemistry of antimony and antimony trioxide In Proceedings
January 1966 -
Einfluß der Geschwindigkeit von Edelgasionen auf die Emission von Sekundär Elektronen Article
Z. Naturforsch., 127-129.January 1966 -
The influence of channeling on Cu single-crystal sputtering Article
Appl. Phys. Lett., 189-190.January 1966 -
Some physical aspects of sputtering In Proceedings
January 1966 -
On the excited state of sputtered particles Article
Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 274-276.January 1966 -
Ionization cross sections for electrons (100-600 eV) in noble and diatomic gases Article
Physica, 734-740.January 1966 -
Absolute gross ionization cross sections for electrons (0.6-12 keV) in hydrocarbons Article
J. Chem. Phys., 44(1), 49-54.January 1966 -
Partial ionization cross sections of noble gases for electrons with energy 0.5-18 keV II. Argon, krypton and xenon Article
Physica, 197-208.January 1966 -
Partial ionization cross sections of noble gases for electrons with energy 0.5-16 keV I. Helium and neon Article
Physica, 185-196.January 1966 -
Ionization cross-section measurements for 0.6-20 keV electrons in atomic and molecular gases In Proceedings
January 1966 -
The influence of the distribution of atomic masses within the molecule on thermal diffusion I. Isotopic CO and N2 molecules Article
Physica, 717-733.January 1966 -
Separation of lithium isotopes Dissertation
April 1965 -
A rotating plasma experiment Dissertation
March 1965 -
Een psychokinese experiment voor de televisie Article
Tijdschr. Parapsychol., 33-37.January 1965 -
High temperature mass spectrometry In Proceedings
January 1965 -
Thermal diffusion in isotopic hydrogen and hydrogen-helium mixtures II. Experimental measurements Article
Physica, 1388-1404.January 1965 -
Longitudinale plasmagolven en Landau-demping Article
NTvN, 266-286.January 1965 -
A transistor amplifier for registration of the low current part of a Langmuir probe characteristic Article
J. Sci. Instrum.January 1965 -
Modern methods in ion optics In Proceedings
January 1965 -
An all-metal gas pipette for use in mass spectrometry Article
J. Sci. Instrum., 121-123.January 1965 -
The validity of the transparency model for single crystal sputtering Article
Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 269-270.January 1965 -
Some plasma-physical aspects of mono and duo-plasmatron ion sources Article
Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 1-11.January 1965 -
Structure in the electron energy spectrum from multi-keV Ar+-Au and Ar+-Cu collisions Article
Physica, 1553-1556.January 1965 -
Fast ion scattering against metal surfaces Article
Adv. Electron. Electron Phys., 67-99.January 1965 -
The ionization of inert gas atoms by electron and proton impact at high energies Article
Proc. Phys. Soc., 1374-1376.January 1965 -
Electron capture into exited states by helium ions incident on helium Article
Physica, 1745-1755.January 1965 -
Cross section formulae for ionization and excitation of atoms by high energy electrons Article
Physica, 1431-1436.January 1965 -
Excitation of helium by He+ and polarization of the resulting radiation Article
Physica, 365-384.January 1965 -
Ionization cross sections for electrons (0.6-20 keV) in noble and diatomic gases Article
Physica, 94-112.January 1965 -
The influence of collision induced quantum transitions on thermal diffusion Article
Physica, 1428-1430.January 1965 -
Thermal diffusion in isotopic hydrogen and hydrogen-helium mixtures I.Theoretical approach Article
Physica, 1346-1356.January 1965 -
Scheiding van lithiumisotopen door tegenstroomuitwisselingselektrolyse Article
TNO-Nieuws, 723-729.January 1965 -
Thermal diffusion and transfer of rotational energy Article
Z. Naturforsch. Teil A, 433-434.January 1965 -
The thermal diffusion column of the "dragon" reactor Article
J. Nucl. Energy A/B, 235-245.January 1965 -
Simplified shape factors for a thermal diffusion column Article
Z. Naturforsch. Teil A, 521-526.January 1965 -
Theoretical and experimental determination of an error in the pressure indication of a McLeod manometer Article
Vacuum, 135-139.January 1965 -
Excitation of helium by protons and hydrogen atoms and polarization of the resulting radiation Dissertation
January 1964 -
Thermal diffusion of asymmetric molecules Dissertation
January 1964 -
Ballista or ball-throwing device for momentum and density measurements in a rotating plasma Article
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 792-795.January 1964 -
Sputtering of meteorites by He+, Ne+, and Ar+ ions Article
J. Geophys. Res., 1941-1943.January 1964 -
Thermochemistry of antimony Article
Physica, 2137-2142.January 1964 -
Ion optics of fields with rotational symmetry and circular main orbit Article
J. Appl. Phys., 1691-1697.January 1964 -
Heat of sublimation and vapour pressure of strontium Article
Physica, 254-257.January 1964 -
Interaction potentials from the velocity dependence of total atom-atom scattering cross sections In Proceedings
January 1964 -
Large-angle, single-collision scattering of argon ions (40-80 keV) from metals Article
Phys. Rev., 347-355.January 1964 -
Sputtering of copper by 20 keV noble gas ions at low temperatures Article
Physica, 144-156.January 1964 -
Angular dependent sputtering of copper single crystals by 20 KeV noble gas ions Article
Physica, 857-869.January 1964 -
Temperature dependence of the range of focused collision sequences in copper single crystals Article
Physica, 129-143.January 1964 -
Photon emission by ionically bombarded copper surfaces Article
Physica, 341-344.January 1964 -
Surface structure of ionically bombarded copper single crystals Article
Physica, 345-350.January 1964 -
The emission of fast secondary atoms from ionically bombarded copper ("reflections") Article
Physica, 870-876.January 1964 -
Inelastische botsingen van snelle elektronen en ionen met atomen Article
NTvN, 353-382.January 1964 -
Excitation of helium by protons and hydrogen atoms and polarization of the resulting radiation Article
Physica, 1171-1196.January 1964 -
Excitation of Ne induced by H+ and He+ impact (5-35 keV) In Proceedings
January 1964 -
On the impact parameter treatment of excitation ionization and charge transfer processes In Proceedings
January 1964 -
Excitation of helium and polarization of the resulting light induced by collisions with protons and hydrogen atoms (5-35 keV) In Proceedings
January 1964 -
Excitation of helium by helium ions Article
Physica, 741-744.January 1964 -
Ultraviolet-induced isotope exchanges in gaseous mixtures of HCl and D2 and of DCl and H2 Article
J. Chem. Phys., 3428-3435.January 1964 -
The separation of light gaseous isotopes by mass diffusion columns II Article
Z. Naturforsch. Teil A, 747-755.January 1964 -
The separation of light gaseous isotopes by mass diffusion columns I Article
Z. Naturforsch. Teil A, 740-746.January 1964 -
Thermal diffusion in ternary mixtures III. Hydrogen and helium isotopes Article
Physica, 729-740.January 1964 -
The separative power of short countercurrent columns Article
Z. Naturforsch. Teil A, 106-110.January 1964 -
Inversion temperature in the separation of isobaric CO molecules by thermal diffusion Article
Z. Naturforsch. Teil A, 225-230.January 1964 -
Preconcentration of impurities by thermal diffusion in the helium purification flow of the dragon reactor In Proceedings
January 1964 -
III. Overwegingen bij de bouw van vacuümsystemen Article
De Ingenieur, 16-29.January 1964 -
II. Eigenschappen van het gas-vaste stof grensvlak van belang voor de vacuümtechniek Article
De Ingenieur, 7-15.January 1964 -
I. Het meten van lage gasdrukken (10-2-10 Torr) Article
De Ingenieur, 1-6.January 1964 -
Two versions of a sliding bar vacuum lock Article
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 301-302.January 1964 -
December 1963
May 1963
May 1963
Thermal diffusion in ternary gas mixtures Dissertation
March 1963 -
Ein schneller ionisationsvakuummesser mit heißer Kathode zur Dichtemessung des neutralen Gases in der Nähe eines Plasmas und einem starken Magnetfelde Article
Vak. -Tech., 210-212.January 1963 -
Measurements on a rotating plasma In Proceedings
January 1963 -
Particle behaviour in independently established rotating E- and B- fields Article
Plasma Phys., 223-228.January 1963 -
Grenswaarden en doorslagen in transistors Article
Polytech. Tijdschr. E, 511-516.January 1963 -
Invloed van temperatuur op transistorinstelling Article
Polytech. Tijdschr. E, 620-625.January 1963 -
Einige Betrachtungen über die Meßgenauigkeit bei Dampfdruckbestimmungen nach der Knudsenmethode Article
Vak. -Tech., 205-207.January 1963 -
Negative temperature coefficients of ion-molecule reactions in the ionization chamber of the mass spectrometer Article
Physica, 405-416.January 1963 -
Heat of sublimation of CaO Article
J. Chem. Phys., 2035-2036.January 1963 -
Influence of residual gases on the measurement of chemical equilibria at high temperatures with the Knudsen method Article
J. Chem. Phys., 2036-2037.January 1963