Publications from 2022
Fluctuation dynamics in smectic liquid crystal membranes Article
ILL Sci. Highlights, 84-85.January 2003 -
A general method to coat colloidal particles with silica Article
Langmuir, 6693-6700.January 2003 -
December 2002
Quantitative prediction of crystal nucleation rates for spherical colloids: a computational study Dissertation
November 2002 -
Force generation by growing microtubules Dissertation
November 2002 -
Spectral sampling techniques for atmospheric modeling: modeling and retrieval of atmospheric water vapor Dissertation
October 2002 -
Colloidal epitaxy: a real-space analysis Dissertation
September 2002 -
Ultrafast redistribution of vibrational energy in liquids Dissertation
Ultrafast SpectroscopyJune 2002 -
April 2002
Silicon photonic crystals and spontaneous emission Dissertation
Photonic MaterialsApril 2002 -
Towards a complete photonic band gap in the visible. Dissertation
March 2002 -
Flexible theories for flexible molecules Dissertation
Theory of Biomolecular MatterMarch 2002 -
February 2002
February 2002
Femtosecond mid-infrared spectroscopy of water Dissertation
Ultrafast SpectroscopyJanuary 2002 -
The molecular basis of the fischer tropsch reaction Dissertation
January 2002 -
Acid based synthesis of monodisperse rare earth doped colloidal SiO2 spheres Article
Chem. Mater., 2849-2853.January 2002 -
Analytical study of the chemical and physical changes induced by KrF laser cleaning of tempera paints Article
Anal. Chem., 4662-4671.January 2002 -
Monodisperse colloidal suspensions of silica and pmma spheres as model electrorheological fluids: A real-space study of structure formation Article
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 2328-2333.January 2002 -
Comment on: Water in the vicinity of solvated ions: modified dynamical and structural water properties resolved by sub-picosecond IR-spectroscopy by R. Laenen and A. Thaller Article
Chem. Phys. Lett., 349-352.January 2002 -
Laser disintegration of Van der Waals clusters of carbon-containing molecules Article
Phys. Rev. A, 66(Article number: 13204), 1-9.January 2002 -
X-ray emission after laser disintegration of clusters of carbon-containing molecules Article
Phys. Rev. A, 66(Article number: 13205), 1-7.January 2002 -
Features of formation of Ni/C multilayer X-ray mirrors manufactured by electron-beam vaporization completed with an ion-beam etching Article
Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 795-814.January 2002 -
Photo-ionization of two-electron atoms: How to solve a 5-dimensional Schrödinger equation on a desktop PC Article
Laser Phys., 355-361.January 2002 -
Dynamic stabilization of ground-state hydrogen in superintense laser pulses of finite duration Article
Laser Phys., 415-423.January 2002 -
Characterisation of a unique "asphalt" sample from the early 19th century Hafkenscheid painting materials collection by analytical pyrolysis MS and GC/MS: Erratum Article
J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 123-124.January 2002 -
Inbreng van buiten is een aanwinst: interview van Reinout Verbeek Article
NTvN, 14-17.January 2002 -
January 2002
Application of low energy ions to modify multilayer systems for omproved x-ray reflectivitiy Book Chapter
January 2002 -
January 2002
January 2002
January 2002
January 2002
Maxwell with a touch of Schrödinger In Proceedings
January 2002 -
Modeling heterogeneous catalytic reactions Book Chapter
January 2002 -
Femtosecond mid-infrared spectroscopy of aqueous solutions. In Proceedings
January 2002 -
Femtosecond mid-infrared spectroscopy of water Book Chapter
January 2002 -
Chemical changes in lead-pigmented oil paints: on the early stage of formation of protrusions In Proceedings
January 2002 -
Mass spectrometry as a micro-analytical method to study kassel earth (vandyke brown) pigments in oil paint In Proceedings
January 2002 -
Cell biophysics Book Chapter
January 2002 -
Polymerization forces Book Chapter
January 2002 -
Resonant intermolecular energy transfer in liquid water In Proceedings
January 2002 -
The influence of cloud chemistry on HOx and NOx in the moderately polluted marine boundary layer: a 1-D modelling study Article
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 39-54.January 2002 -
Towards attosecond pulses with high harmonics Article
Acta Phys. Pol. A, 313-324.January 2002 -
Anomalous growth of Ba on Ag(111) Article
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 1379-1383.January 2002 -
A fast position sensitive microstrip-gas-chamber detector at high count rate operation Article
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 3754-3758.January 2002 -
How do smectic liquid crystals of different molecular length mix in thin films? Article
Eur. Phys. J. E, 443-446.January 2002 -
Photonic materials - Teaching silicon new tricks Article
Nature Mater., 10-12.January 2002 -
`Magic' island formation of CO coadsorbed with H on Ru(0 0 0 1) Article
Surf. Sci., 323-336.January 2002 -
Critical rotation of a harmonically trapped Bose gas Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 88(Article number: 250403), 1-4.January 2002 -
Dynamics of dark solitons in elongated Bose-Einstein condensates Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 89(Article number: 110401), 1-4.January 2002 -
Superfluid pairing in a polarized dipolar Fermi gas Article
Phys. Rev. AJanuary 2002 -
Collapse dynamics of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates Article
Phys. Rev. A, 66(Article number: 11602), 1-4.January 2002 -
Cesium gas strongly confined in one dimension: sideband cooling and collisional properties Article
Phys. Rev. A, 65(Article number: 33402), 1-12.January 2002 -
Crystallization of weakly charged colloidal spheres: a numerical study Article
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 7667-7680.January 2002 -
Calculation of matrix elements for mixed extreme-ultraviolet-infrared two-photon above-threshold ionization of argon Article
J. Phys. B, 3435-3442.January 2002 -
Simulation of Shish-Kebab crystallite induced by a single prealigned macromolecule Article
Macromolecules, 7172-7174.January 2002 -
Isomer seperation of hyperbranched polyesteramides with gas-phase H/D exchange and a novel MSn approach: DoDIP Article
J. Mass Spectrom., 792-802.January 2002 -
Reconstruction of attosecond harmonic beating by interference of two-photon transitions Article
Appl. Phys. B, 17-21.January 2002 -
Confined crystallization of ethylene oxide-butadiene diblock copolymers in lamellar films Article
Macromolecules, 6930-6936.January 2002 -
Silver as a sensitizer for erbium Article
Appl. Phys. Lett., 1414-1416.January 2002 -
Force generation by polymerizing microtubules Article
Appl. Phys. A, 331-336.January 2002 -
Delocalization of protons in liquid water Article
Science, 587-590.January 2002 -
Amorphous silicon waveguides for microphotonics Article
J. Appl. Phys., 649-653.January 2002 -
Temperature dependence of vibrational relaxation in liquid H2O Article
J. Chem. Phys., 1708-1713.January 2002 -
Building two and three dimensional structures of colloidal particles on surfaces using optical tweezers and critical point drying Article
Proc. MRSJanuary 2002 -
Suppression of angular-momentum mixing in precision solutions of the Schrödinger equation for photoexcitation of Rydberg states Article
Phys. Rev. A, 65(Article number: 55402), 1-3.January 2002 -
Design and performance of an erbium doped silicon waveguide detector operating at 1.5 mm Article
J. Lightwave Technol., 862-867.January 2002 -
Patterning surfaces with colloidal particles using optical tweezers Article
Appl. Phys. Lett., 4828-4830.January 2002 -
Quantitative analysis of copolymers: influence of the structure of the monomer on the ionization efficiency in electrospray ionization FTMS Article
Macromolecules, 4919-4928.January 2002 -
Drying-induced hydrophobic polymer collapse Article
PNAS, 6519-7186.January 2002 -
Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy of strongly hydrogen-bonded hydrogen fluoride-pyridine complexes Article
Chem. Phys. Lett., 8-14.January 2002 -
Snelle metingen aan water Article
NTvN, 204-207.January 2002 -
Computer simulation of the phase behavior of a model membrane protein: Annexin V Article
J. Chem. Phys., 7217-7224.January 2002 -
Modeling the phase behavior of the membrane binding protein annexin V Article
Langmuir, 2988-2992.January 2002 -
Highly excited states of gerade symmetry in molecular nitrogen Article
J. Chem. Phys., 7893-7901.January 2002 -
Layer growth at the nano-scale Article
Vacuum, 231-234.January 2002 -
Revival structures in picosecond laser-induced alignment of I2 molecules. II. Numerical modeling Article
J. Chem. Phys., 6579-6588.January 2002 -
Revival structures in picosecond laser-induced alignment of I2 molecules. I. Experimental results Article
J. Chem. Phys., 6567-6578.January 2002 -
Water-conducting properties of lipids during pollen hydration Article
Plant, Cell Environ., 513-519.January 2002 -
Rare-earth doped polymers for planar optical amplifiers Article
J. Appl. Phys., 3955-3980.January 2002 -
Fourier Transform Infrared microscopic imaging of an embedded paint cross-section Article
Appl. Spectrosc., 275-283.January 2002 -
Layer-by-layer growth of binary colloidal crystals Article
Science, 106-109.January 2002 -
Observability of the dynamic stabilization of ground-state hydrogen with superintense femtosecond laser pulses Article
Phys. Rev. A, 65(031405, Article number: 31405), 1-4.January 2002 -
Identification of non-cross-linked compounds in methanolic extracts of cured and aged linseed oil-based paint films using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Article
J. Chromatogr., A, 195-211.January 2002 -
Photoionization microscopy Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 1-4.January 2002 -
Transient absorption of vibrationally excited water Article
J. Chem. Phys., 2592-2598.January 2002 -
Gain limiting processes in Er doped Si nanocrystal waveguides in SiO2 Article
J. Appl. Phys., 534-536.January 2002 -
Smectic membranes in motion: Approaching the fast limits of x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 88(Article number: 115503), 1-3.January 2002 -
Ar scattering on Ru (0001): A comparison to the washboard model Article
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 68-74.January 2002 -
Characterisation of a unique "asphalt" sample from the early 19th century Hafkenscheid painting materials collection by analytical pyrolysis MS and GC/MS Article
J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 171-196.January 2002 -
A compact molecular beam line Article
Meas. Sci. Technol., 141-149.January 2002 -
Real-time measurement of the orientational dynamics of aqueous solvation shells in bulk liquid water Article
Phys. Rev. Lett., 88(Article number: 77601), 1-4.January 2002 -
Design and optimization of 2D photonic crystal waveguides based on silicon Article
Opt. Quantum Electr., 145-159.January 2002 -
Photonic crystals of core-shell colloidal particles Article
Appl. Phys. Lett., 49-51.January 2002 -
Computersimulaties onthullen mechanisme van kristalnucleatie Article
NTvN, 50-54.January 2002 -
Peptide conformational heterogeneity revealed from nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy and molecular-dynamics simulations Article
J. Chem. Phys., 6833-6840.January 2002 -
Structure determination of Cu(4 1 0)-O using X-ray diffraction and DFT calculations Article
Surf. Sci., 16-32.January 2002 -
Stable carbon isotope changes during artificial charring of propagules Article
Org. Geochem., 1675-1681.January 2002 -
Rowers coupled hydrodynamically: Modeling possible mechanisms for the cooperation of cilia Article
Eur. Phys. J. B, 81-88.January 2002